In a delightful display of nostalgia and playful banter, Dingdong Dantes recently shared a video on social media featuring him and his wife, Marian Rivera, engaging in the traditional Filipino game of luksong baka. The couple reminisced about their 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥hood experiences with local games, with Marian encouraging Dingdong to participate in the fun.
As they played, Marian humorously referred to the game as “luksong baboy,” sparking laughter from Dingdong, who playfully challenged her terminology. The couple’s lighthearted exchange highlighted their chemistry and brought joy to their fans, offering a glimpse into their family life.
Dingdong and Marian’s charming interaction reflects the enduring appeal of Filipino games, showcasing their ability to bring families together while creating lasting memories. The video resonated with viewers, reminding them of the simple joys of 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥hood and the importance of maintaining cultural traditions.