Warner Bros. has officially dropped the first trailer for Gremlins 3, marking the return of the mischievous creatures that captured hearts and caused chaos in the iconic 1984 original and its 1990 sequel. Set to hit theaters in 2026, the third installment promises a thrilling mix of nostalgia and new surprises for fans old and new.
While plot details remain under wraps, the trailer teases a compelling story that intertwines the past with the present. Fans will recognize nods to the original films, including iconic rules: “Don’t expose them to bright light, don’t get them wet, and never, ever feed them after midnight.” But as the trailer hints, breaking these rules once again leads to hilarious and terrifying consequences.
Directed by Chris Columbus, the mastermind behind the original Gremlins, and produced by Warner Bros., Gremlins 3 brings together a talented cast, including returning fan favorites and new faces. The film is expected to blend practical effects with state-of-the-art CGI, creating a visually stunning experience that honors the original’s legacy.
Gremlins 3 is slated to premiere in theaters worldwide in summer 2026, just in time to become a blockbuster hit of the season.