Unusual Tree Discovery: A man in Brazil found strange wormlike creatures living in the bark of oak trees while searching for food for his birds, raising concerns about the dangers of cutting oak trees without proper knowledge.
Dog Rescue from Tree: In Louisiana, a dog was rescued after being found trapped inside a hollow tree trunk, likely while chasing a squirrel.
Octopus Climbs Tree: An octopus was spotted climbing trees in Paraguay, showcasing its unusual adaptability to life on land.
Hollow Tree with Fire: A visitor in South Africa discovered a tree with a hollow trunk emitting smoke, indicating a fire burning inside, while the exterior appeared untouched.
Wishing Tree in Northern Ireland: A tree in Northern Ireland was found covered in coins, resembling a wishing well, where visitors leave coins as offerings.
Cigarette Smuggling Operation: In Poland, authorities uncovered a significant smuggling operation involving 70,000 packs of cigarettes hidden inside hollowed-out oak tree trunks.
Buddha Face Found in Tree Roots: A large Buddha face was discovered embedded in the roots of a tree in India, sparking curiosity about its origins and significance.