The “Multiverse Saga” is a term that encompasses a series of storylines within Marvel Comics that deal with the concept of the multiverse, which is a theoretical framework in which there exist multiple parallel universes or alternate realities. These storylines often involve characters from different universes interacting with each other, crossing over between realities, and facing threats that transcend individual dimensions.
One of the most famous and influential multiverse storylines in Marvel Comics is “Secret Wars” (1984-1985), written by Jim Shooter and illustrated by Mike Zeck. In this storyline, several Marvel superheroes and supervillains are transported to the Battleworld, a patchwork planet created by the omnipotent Beyonder, where they must fight for survival and supremacy. “Secret Wars” introduced the concept of alternate realities and paved the way for future multiverse stories.
Another notable multiverse storyline is “Infinity Gauntlet” (1991), written by Jim Starlin, which sees the cosmic entity Thanos wielding the power of the Infinity Gems to erase half of all life in the universe. While primarily set in the main Marvel Universe, “Infinity Gauntlet” also explores the broader cosmic landscape and introduces concepts such as the Infinity Gems and the cosmic entities.
In more recent years, Marvel Comics has further explored the multiverse concept with events like “Secret Wars” (2015), written by Jonathan Hickman, which features the destruction and reconstruction of the multiverse by the all-powerful Beyonders and the godlike entity known as the Molecule Man. This event resulted in the merging of various alternate realities and the creation of a new, unified Marvel Universe.
Additionally, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has begun to explore the multiverse concept in its film and television projects, particularly with the release of “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” (2022), which delves into the multiverse and its implications for the MCU’s characters and storylines.
Overall, the “Multiverse Saga” in Marvel Comics encompasses a wide range of storylines and events that explore the concept of the multiverse and its impact on the Marvel Universe as a whole.
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