“Marvel Zombies” is a comic book series published by Marvel Comics that debuted in December 2005. It was written by Robert Kirkman with art by Sean Phillips. The series is set in an alternate universe within the Marvel Multiverse, where most of Earth’s superheroes, including the Avengers and the X-Men, have been transformed into flesh-eating zombies due to a virus that originated from an alternate dimension.
The story follows the zombie versions of Marvel’s iconic characters as they rampage across the world, infecting and consuming both superheroes and ordinary humans. Despite their zombified state, some of the characters retain their intelligence and memories, adding layers of complexity to their actions and interactions.
“Marvel Zombies” is known for its dark humor, graphic violence, and subversive take on classic superhero tropes. The series explores themes of survival, morality, and the consequences of unchecked power. It has spawned multiple sequels, spin-offs, and crossover events within the Marvel Comics universe.
The popularity of “Marvel Zombies” has also led to adaptations in other media, including animated features, video games, and merchandise. The concept of zombified superheroes has become a popular subgenre within the realm of superhero fiction, with “Marvel Zombies” standing as one of its most notable and enduring iterations.
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